[地名] [法属波利尼西亚] 拉帕岛;
The Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity (RAPA) among older adults.Hybridization between Brassica napus and B. rapa on a National Scale in the United KingdomDeciphering the Diploid Ancestral Genome of the Mesohexaploid Brassica rapaRapamune®; (RAPA, rapamycin, sirolimus): mechanism of action immunosuppressive effect results from blockade of signal transduction ...Identification of conserved and novel microRNAs that are responsive to heat stress inBrassica rapaPHARMACOKINETIC AND PHARMACODYNAMIC CORRELATIONS OF CYCLOSPORINE (CsA) AND RAPAMYCIN (RAPA) IN 120 PATIENTS TREATED FOR AT LEAST 2 Y...Triglyceride (TG) elevations in renal transplant recipients treated with sirolimus (rapamycin, RAPA) added to a cyclosporine (CsA)/p...INCIDENCE OF HYPERLIPIDEMIA IN KIDNEY TRANSPLANT PATIENTS TREATED WITH A COMBINATION REGIMEN OF SIROLIMUS(RAPA)-CYCLOSPORINE(CSA)-PR...Comparative In Vitro Studies on the Immunosuppressive Activities of Mycophenolic Acid, Bredinin, FK 506, Cyclosporine, and RapamycinCyclin D1 and c-myc internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-dependent translation is regulated by AKT activity and enhanced by rapamycin...