Special Forces

《Special Forces》怎以读

英 [ˈspeʃəl]
美 [ˈspɛʃəl]

《Special Forces》是什么意思

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    Special Forces

    • n.a division of the United States Army that is specially trained for guerilla fighting

      同义词:U. S. Army Special ForcesUnited States Army Special Forces

    学习《Special Forces》怎么用


    1. This applies to the special arms too.
    2. Our special technical troops are ready to go into the battle.


    Special forces
    Stress Management for Police Special Forces
    Predicting U.S. Army Special Forces Field Performance
    Developing Adaptive Proficiency in Special Forces Officers
    17-OHCS levels in combat. Special forces "A"team under threat of attack.
    Psychological Hardiness Predicts Success in US Army Special Forces Candidates
    Adaptive thinking & leadership simulation game training for Special Forces officers
    Caffeine maintains vigilance and improves run times during night operations for Special Forces
    The most frequently requested precombat refresher training by the Special Forces medics during Operation Enduring Freedom.
    Reward circuitry in resilience to severe trauma: An fMRI investigation of resilient special forces soldiers
    上一篇:special envoy
    下一篇:special interest