- She was born and raised in Delaware.
她在特拉华出生和成长。 - At last he crossed the Delaware River.
The Delawares : a critical bibliographyWhite Eyes and the Delawares' Vision of an Indian StateOld Religion among the Delawares: The Gamwing (Big House Rite)VESTIGES OF MATERIAL CULTURE AMONG THE CANADIAN DELAWARESThe White River Indiana Delawares [microform] : an ethnohistoric synthesis, 1795-1867 /Physical anthropology of the Lenape or Delawares, and of the Eastern Indians in generalWeibe-Town and the delawares-as-women: Gender-crossing and same-sex relations in eighteenth-century Northeastern Indian cultureThe View from Piqua Agency: The War of 1812, the White River Delawares, and the Origins of Indian RemovalPromised land : Penn's holy experiment, the walking purchase, and the dispossession of Delawares, 1600-1763HARPER, Promised Land: Penn’s Holy Experiment, The Walking Purchase, and the Dispossession of the Delawares, 1600–1763