fetal alcohol effect 胎儿酒精效应;figural after-effect 形象化后效应;fine alignment equipment 微补偿仪器;forward air express 转寄运包裹
- n.a device consisting of a container of fuel and two explosive charges; the first charge bursts open the fuel container at a predetermined height and spreads the fuel in a cloud that mixes with atmospheric oxygen; the second charge detonates the cloud which creates an enormous blast wave and incinerates whatever is below
同义词:fuel-air explosive
Bröker LE, Kruyt FAE, Giaccone GCell death independent of caspases: a review. Clin Cancer Res 11: 3155-3162
Release of ferulic acid from wheat bran by a ferulic acid esterase (FAE-III) from Aspergillus niger.
Purification and characterization of a ferulic acid esterase (FAE-III) from Aspergillus niger : specificity for the phenolic moiety ...
The Principles of Pollination Ecology.
The Principles of Pollination Ecology.
Palynology. (Book Reviews: Textbook on Pollen Analysis)
principles of pollination ecology
The Raw Microprocessor: A Computational Fabric for Software Circuits and General-Purpose Programs
Plants and Pollinators. (Book Reviews: The Principles of Pollination Ecology)
Multilateral Productivity Comparisons When Some Outputs are Undesirable: A Nonparametric Approach
Release of ferulic acid from wheat bran by a ferulic acid esterase (FAE-III) from Aspergillus niger.
Purification and characterization of a ferulic acid esterase (FAE-III) from Aspergillus niger : specificity for the phenolic moiety ...
The Principles of Pollination Ecology.
The Principles of Pollination Ecology.
Palynology. (Book Reviews: Textbook on Pollen Analysis)
principles of pollination ecology
The Raw Microprocessor: A Computational Fabric for Software Circuits and General-Purpose Programs
Plants and Pollinators. (Book Reviews: The Principles of Pollination Ecology)
Multilateral Productivity Comparisons When Some Outputs are Undesirable: A Nonparametric Approach