- n.any of a group of storm gods; offspring of Rudra
- n.any of a group of storm gods; offspring of Rudra
Comparison of primiparas' perceptions of vaginal and cesarean birthsThe mTOR/AKT inhibitor temsirolimus prevents deep infiltrating endometriosis in miceMethod of moments solution for a printed patch/slot antenna on a thin finite dielectric substrate using the volume Integral equationDEHAZING A LUBES PRODUCT BY INTEGRATING AN AIR SEPARATION UNIT WITH THE DEHAZING PROCESSClopidogrel protects from cell apoptosis and oxidative damage in a mouse model of renal ischaemia-reperfusion injury.Endometrial echo and its significance in female infertility.Reactive oxygen species-mediated killing of activated fibroblasts by arsenic trioxide ameliorates fibrosis in a murine model of syst...Fluoride in blood and urine in humans administered fluoride and exposed to fluoride-polluted airThe Organotelluride Catalyst (PHTE)2NQ Prevents HOCl-Induced Systemic Sclerosis in MouseA comparison of primaparas' perceptions of vaginal and cesarean births