- 雷伊
- Ray的异体
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- Martha Raye 玛莎•雷伊:
- The heartfelt melodies of Marina Raye's native flutes blend magically with the enchanting sounds of nature.
Reality monitoring.Reality monitoring: Second perceptions and thoughtsPhenomenal characteristics of memories for perceived and imagined autobiographical events.Separable neural components in the processing of black and white faces.Bayesian Reliability AnalysisfMRI evidence of age-related hippocampal dysfunction in feature binding in working memoryDissociating medial frontal and posterior cingulate activity during self-reflectionImplicit and Explicit Evaluation: fMRI Correlates of Valence, Emotional Intensity, and Control in the Processing of Attitudes.The role of prefrontal cortex during tests of episodic memory.MRI evidence of age-related hippocampal dysfunction in feature binding in working memory. Cognit Brain Res