


  • v.

    使男子化(尤指使女人具有男子特征),使(雌性)雄性化( masculinize的现在分词 );

  • 英英释义

    masculinize[ 'mæskjulinaiz ]

    • v.
      • give a masculine appearance or character to

        "Fashion designers have masculinized women's looks in the 1990s"

      • produce virilism in or cause to assume masculine characteristics, as through a hormonal imbalance or hormone therapy

        "the drugs masculinized the teenage girl"




    23 – Prenatal Stress Feminizes and Demasculinizes the Behavior of Males
    Estrogen masculinizes neural pathways and sex-specific behaviors
    Exposure to genistein during gestation and lactation demasculinizes the reproductive system in rats.
    Functional Testicular Tissue does not Masculinize Development of the Zebra Finch Song System
    Conflict between feminizing sex ratio distorters and an autosomal masculinizing gene in the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare...
    A Masculinizing Effect on the Auditory Systems of Human Females Having Male Co-Twins
    Gonadal hormones masculinize and defeminize reproductive behaviors during puberty in the male Syrian hamster.
    Estrogens counteract the masculinizing effect of tributyltin in zebrafish.
    j.cell.2009.07.036 Estrogen Masculinizes Neural Pathways and Sex-Specific Behaviors
    Early estrogen treatment of female zebra finches masculinizes the brain pathway for learned vocalizations