英 [θə'laɪən]
美 [θə'laɪən]
Assessment of 1H NMR spectroscopy and multivariate analysis as a technique for metabolite fingerprinting of Arabidopsis thaliana
The chimeric leucine-rich repeat/extensin cell wall protein LRX1 is required for root hair morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Comparative physical mapping reveals features of microsynteny between Glycine max, Medicago truncatula, and Arabidopsis thaliana
The role of a zinc finger-containing glycine-rich RNA-binding protein during the cold adaptation process in Arabidopsis thaliana
Global comparative transcriptome analysis identifies gene network regulating secondary xylem development in Arabidopsis thaliana
The Subcellular Localization and Blue-Light-Induced Movement of Phototropin 1-GFP in Etiolated Seedlings of Arabidopsis thalianaw
A single gene of chloroplast origin codes for mitochondrial and chloroplastic methionyl–tRNA synthetase in Arabidopsis thaliana
Chromatin immunoprecipitation reveals that the 180-bp satellite repeat is the key functional DNA element of Arabidopsis thaliana cen...
Morphological synergism in root hair length, density, initiation and geometry for phosphorus acquisition in Arabidopsis thaliana: A ...
The chimeric leucine-rich repeat/extensin cell wall protein LRX1 is required for root hair morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Comparative physical mapping reveals features of microsynteny between Glycine max, Medicago truncatula, and Arabidopsis thaliana
The role of a zinc finger-containing glycine-rich RNA-binding protein during the cold adaptation process in Arabidopsis thaliana
Global comparative transcriptome analysis identifies gene network regulating secondary xylem development in Arabidopsis thaliana
The Subcellular Localization and Blue-Light-Induced Movement of Phototropin 1-GFP in Etiolated Seedlings of Arabidopsis thalianaw
A single gene of chloroplast origin codes for mitochondrial and chloroplastic methionyl–tRNA synthetase in Arabidopsis thaliana
Chromatin immunoprecipitation reveals that the 180-bp satellite repeat is the key functional DNA element of Arabidopsis thaliana cen...
Morphological synergism in root hair length, density, initiation and geometry for phosphorus acquisition in Arabidopsis thaliana: A ...