


  • 释义

    [人名] 雷彻;

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. 到达 arrive at; get to
    2. vt. & vi. 伸出手臂; 延伸 be able to touch (sth) by stretching out a hand or arm; be big enough to touch, stretch as far as
    3. vt. 联络 get a message to; get in touch with; contact
    1. [S]伸手可及的距离 the distance that one can touch by stretching
    2. [P](江河的)河段 continuous extent of a river between two bends or of a canal between two locks



    用作动词 (v.)
    • reach a condition达到一定的状态
    • reach a decision作出决定
    • reach a good old age到了很老的年龄
    • reach a large amount成了很大的数目
    • reach a level达到一定的水平
    • reach a particular stage达到特定阶段
    • reach a second edition再版
    • reach an agreement达成一项协议
    • reach an identity of views取得一致看法
    • reach bottom到底
    • reach full manhood到了成年
    • reach home到家
    • reach land到达陆地,找到稳固的立脚点
    • reach one's hands伸出手
    • reach the case适用于这种情况
    • reach the conclusion得出结论
    • reach the goal到达目的地
    • reach late很迟到达
    • reach early很早到达
    • reach accurately精确地达到
    • reach apparently明显地达到
    • reach automatically自动达到
    • reach conveniently方便联络
    • reach deliberately刻意地达到
    • reach delightedly高兴地达到
    • reach eventually最终达到
    • reach grudgingly勉强地达到
    • reach indirectly间接达到
    • reach partially部分达到
    • reach probably可能达到
    • reach promptly迅速伸出手臂
    • reach quickly迅速达到
    • reach rapidly迅速达到
    • reach safely安全到达
    • reach shortly立即达到
    • reach simultaneously同时达到
    • reach slowly慢慢地达到
    • reach temporarily暂时达到
    • reach ultimately最后到达
    • reach utterly完全达到
    • reach wholly完全达到
    • reach down(使)向下移动
    • reach down one's hat伸手脱帽
    • reach down the book把那本书拿下来
    • reach out one's hand伸出手
    • reach up抬起
    • reach across伸过
    • reach after竭力想达到〔得到〕
    • reach after fame and fortune追名逐利
    • reach at竭力想达到〔得到〕
    • reach at a flower伸手去折花
    • reach for伸手取,想得到
    • reach for the roof举双手投降
    • reach in time及时到达
    • reach into把手伸进
    • reach out for mutual understanding努力达到相互理解
    • reach to延伸到
    • reach to the knee达到膝部
    用作名词 (n.)
    • have a reach of伸至…
    • make a reach for the rope伸手去抓绳子
    • need a reach需要伸长(手)
    • automatic reach自动延伸
    • boundless reach无限延伸
    • desolating reach孤独的伸向
    • easy reach容易伸到
    • endless reach一直延伸
    • extended reach延伸
    • illimitable reach无限伸向
    • keen reach渴望够得到
    • naughty reach令人反感的限度
    • side reach侧向伸出长度
    • sighing reach渴望够得着
    • timid reach害怕触及
    • utmost reach最大限度范围
    • wide reach范围大触及
    • wistful reach渴望获得
    • arid reaches干涸的河段
    • beautiful reaches of the Thames泰晤士河的美丽的河段
    • sandy reaches沙质的河段
    • trackless reaches人迹未到的河段
    • vast reaches广阔的河段
    • wonderful reach很丰富的想象力
    • above reach所不能及的
    • beyond sb's reach非某人力所能及
    • get sth by a long reach(费力地)伸手拿到某物
    • out of sb's reach非某人力所能及
    • out of the reach of danger脱离险境
    • within easy reach of在…附近
    • reach of imagination想象力
    • reach of river河区
    • reach of woodland一大片林地
    • lower reaches of…的下游
    • middle reaches of…的中游
    • upper reaches of…的上游


    1. We had twenty miles to cover to reach the nearest railway station.
    2. He reached into his pocket to get his car keys.
    3. Hopefully, they will reach an agreement after the talk.
    4. We tried to reach them by cable.
    5. The garden reaches the lake.
    6. He tiptoed to reach the dictionary on the shelf.
    1. The plates on the upper shelf are beyond my reach.
    2. Such concepts are beyond the reach of my intelligence.
    3. The bridge is located over the upper reaches of the Thames.
    4. There are few women in the upper reaches of the civil service.


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