字母表( alphabet的名词复数 );
- n.
- a character set that includes letters and is used to write a language
- the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural)
同义词:rudimentfirst rudimentfirst principleABCABC'sABCs
phonetic alphabet n. [语]音标字母
latin alphabet拉丁字母表
international phonetic alphabet国际音标;国际语音字母
Optimal suffix tree construction with large alphabetsOptimal suffix tree construction with large alphabetsRank/select operations on large alphabets: a tool for text indexingReal-Coded Genetic Algorithms, Virtual Alphabets and BlockingFinite state machines for strings over infinite alphabetsRegular Tree and Regular Hedge Languages over Unranked Alphabets: Version 1Optimal source codes for geometrically distributed integer alphabets (Corresp.)Optimal source codes for geometrically distributed integer alphabets (Corresp.)Hidden Markov models that use predicted local structure for fold recognition: alphabets of backbone geometry.Local homology recognition and distance measures in linear time using compressed amino acid alphabets