英 ['bevəlmənt]
美 ['bevəlmənt]
ROTARY BEVELMENT COMPOSITE SAW BLADE[The significance of the bevelment of the astragalus and its relation to the degree of tibio-peroneal torsion.]SPECIAL LIBRARIES COLLECTION BEVELPPMENT IN KARNATAKA: A STUDY ON SELECTION POLICIES AND PROCEDURESThe Quality Improvment of the End surface Made by Fly-sawSurgical and Morphological Factors that Affect Internal Mechanical Loads in Soft Tissues of the Transtibial ResiduumAnatomical and Surgical Risk Factors Affecting the Internal Mechanical Conditions in the Transtibial ResiduumInfluence of bony prominence sharpness and underlying tissue stiffness on the susceptibility to pressure-related deep tissue injury:...CQUNTY OF NEVADA CG%lMUNiTY BEVELGPMENT AGENCYEconomic development and regional cooperation, KuwaitForeland basin systems