

英 ['kɒndʒʊɡeɪs]
美 ['kɒndʒʊɡeɪs]


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  • 学习《conjugase》怎么用


    Folate conjugase: two separate activities in human jejunum.
    Radioactive assay of folic acid polyglutamate conjugase(s)
    The E2 Ubiquitin Conjugase Rad6 Is Required for the ArgR/Mcm1 Repression of ARG1 Transcription
    Food Folate Assay with Protease, α-Amylase, and Folate Conjugase Treatments
    Arabidopsis ubiquitin conjugase UBC32 is an ERAD component that functions in brassinosteroid-mediated salt stress tolerance
    Drosophila Morgue is an F box/ubiquitin conjugase domain protein important for grim-reaper mediated apoptosis
    Identification and analysis of a gene from Calendula officinalis encoding a fatty acid conjugase.
    Molecular analysis of a bifunctional fatty acid conjugase/desaturase from tung. Implications for the evolution of plant fatty acid d...
    Elimination of the yeast RAD6 ubiquitin conjugase enhances base-pair transitions and G.C----T.A transversions as well as transpositi...
    Overexpression, genomic amplification and therapeutic potential of inhibiting the UbcH10 ubiquitin conjugase in human carcinomas of ...
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