学习《the rest of the world》怎么用
- China's economic ascendance hasn't been altogether comfortable for much of the rest of the world.
对世界其他国家而言,中国的经济崛起也给它们带来了苦恼。 - The capital account is a record of investment and capital transactions 1 between a country and the rest of the world.
The Rest of the WorldThe Rest of the WorldTHE REST OF THE WORLDInstitutions and Foreign Direct Investment: China versus the Rest of the WorldOpen and Distance Education in Japan: Implications for the rest of the worldDesigning for the rest of the world: a consultant's observationSecondary ion mass spectrometry—first microelectronics, now the rest of the worldSpillovers from the Rest of the World into Sub-Saharan African CountriesBush-Cheney Energy Strategy : Procuring the Rest of the World ’ s OilAttributive description formalisms ... and the rest of the worldEurope and the Rest of the WorldHerbicide resistance - Australia vs. the rest of the world.Office 2003 XML - integrating office with the rest of the world.