英 ['dentɪ]
美 ['dentɪ]
Induced Settlement and Metamorphosis of Sand Dollar (Dendraster Ecentricus) Larvae in Predator-Free sites: Adult Sand Dollar BedsDentigerous cysts in primary dentition: report of 2 cases.Dor de origem dental como motivo de consulta odontológica em uma população adulta Dental pain as the reason for visiting a dentis...Apoptosis-related factors in the epithelial components of dental follicles and dentigerous cysts associated with impacted third mola...Imatinib inhibits VEGF-independent angiogenesis by targeting neuropilin 1–dependent ABL1 activation in endothelial cellsBilateral dentigerous cyst: Review of literature and report of unusual caseSize-scaling in optical trapping of silicon nanowires.A comparison of the in vitro mineralisation and dentinogenic potential of mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue, bone m...High-resolution electron-microscopic study of the relationship between human enamel and dentin crystals at the dentinoenamel junction.'Fab-chips': a versatile, fabric-based platform for low-cost, rapid and multiplexed diagnostics.