Dentist-in- charge牙科主治医师
C&E Dentist-in-charge牙科主治医师
Professional charges not reimbursed to dentists in the U.S.: evidence from Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 1996.Dentist faces charges for refusing patients who support windfarmDentist faces charges for own prescriptionDentists taking charge with finance cards.Dentists May Charge Their `Absent' PatientsTexas dentist answers charges of Baylor orthodontists."Here's how to outprice dental insurance". Simply allow every dentist to charge his "usual and customary"fee, says this dental insu...DENTIST FACES CHARGES OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS“Yelp 101” Helps Dentists Take Charge of Their Online Reputation | Dentistry TodayNewton dentist faces charges of threatening Boston stockbroker