英 [reɪkə'mjeɪ]
美 [reɪkə'mjeɪ]
Cambios en la acción vasoconstrictora de la noradrenalina y en su cinética de unión a receptores, inducidos por hormonas sexualesTRAITEMENT DU CANCER UTERIN INOPERABLE.Souvenirs et correspondance tires des papiers de Mme R,camier (1/2)Vibrational excitation in collisions between two diatomic molecules using an operator algebraEnergy transfer in collisions between two vibrating molecules ☆Entanglement and generation of superpositions of atomic coherent statesSchröautdinger-cat states in Paul trapsSchröautdinger-cat states in Paul trapsSchr"odinger-cat states in Paul trapsResonances and antibound states in a Morse potential