[人名] 塞里奥特;[地名] [美国] 塞里奥特;
A Simple Technique to Make Bupivacaine a Rapid-acting Epidural Anesthetic.INTRODUCERS AND PROTECTIVE SLEEVES INCREASE THROMBOGENICITY OF PULMONARY ARTERY CATHETERS.Gangs and Society: Alternative Perspectives. Louis Kontos, David Brotherton and Luis Barrios (Eds.). Reviewed by Matthew T. Theriot.Continuity Clinic Conferences: A Worthwhile Endeavor?: 316Collider Detector (CDF) at FERMILAB: an overviewHigh dietary iron and radiation exposure increase biomarkers of oxidative stress in blood and liver of ratsDijet production by double pomeron exchange at the fermilab tevatronClusters, species concepts, and Morphological Evolution of DiatomsInclusive charged-hadron production in 100-400-GeV p-p collisionsInclusive π 0 production by high-energy protons