英 ['θɜ:məlz]
美 ['θɜməlz]
热裂法炭黑;上升的热气流,温暖内衣裤( thermal的名词复数 );
thermal[ 'θə:məlz ]
- n.rising current of warm air
- adj.
- relating to or associated with heat
"thermal movements of molecules"; "thermal capacity"
- of or relating to a hot spring
"thermal water"
- caused by or designed to retain heat
"a thermal burn"; "thermal underwear"
- relating to or associated with heat
thermal power火力;火力发电;热功率;热电站
thermal stability热稳定性,耐热性;热稳性
thermal conductivity导热系数;热导率
thermal insulation隔热;绝热;热绝缘
thermal stress热应力
thermal analysis热分析;热学分析
thermal expansion热膨胀
thermal power plant火力发电厂;热电厂
thermal efficiency热效率
thermal decomposition热分解;热解
thermal shock温度急增,热冲击
thermal energy热能;温热热能法,热能专业
thermal resistance热阻;热变电阻,热敏电阻
thermal deformation热变形;热形变
thermal environment热环境
thermal performance热力性能
thermal fatigue热疲劳
thermal comfort热舒适,温暖;人的热舒适
thermal transfer热转印;传热;热传递
thermal recovery热回收
Buoyant Plumes and ThermalsThe role of thermals in the convective boundary layerThe motion in and around isolated thermalsTransport of Firebrands by Line Thermals âObservations and other characteristics of thermalsThermals in extremely viscous fluids, including the effects of temperature-dependent viscosityFlight performance: Frigatebirds ride high on thermalsField Observations of Thermals and Thermal Streets, and the Theory of Cross-Country Soaring FlightMeteorological determinants of spider ballooning: the roles of thermals vs. the vertical windspeed gradient in becoming airborneParameterization of the Dry Convective Boundary Layer Based on a Mass Flux Representation of Thermals.