thermidor[ 'θə:midɔ:; ,termi:'dɔr ]
- n.eleventh month of the Revolutionary calendar (July and August); the month of heat
thermidorThermidorThermidor.Fever of unknown origin: subacute thyroiditis versus typhoid fever.Haemophilus parainfluenzae mitral prosthetic valve endocarditis in an intravenous drug abuserThe lack of diagnostic value of the indium scan in acute bacterial endocarditisSalmonella paratyphi a enteric fever mimicking viral meningitisDes parents co-thérapeutes, une solution gagnante pour le traitement des enfants autistesPneumocystis carinii pneumonia in a non-HIV patient on steroidsWest Nile viral encephalitis mimicking hepatic encephalopathy.Development and use of a master health facility list: Haiti's experience during the 2010 earthquake response.Positive, Negative, and Other Emotions in Young Autistic Children: The Importance of ContextAssessing the quality of primary care in Haiti