SEASONAL HABITAT USED BY THIBETAN MONKEYSON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THIBETAN AND RHESUS MONKEYS IN SOUTHERN ANHUI,CHINASEXUAL HARASSMENT OF COPULAT|ON IN THIBETAN MONKEYS (MACACA THIBET ANA)Mount Omi and beyond : a record of travel on the Thibetan borderSexual behavioral pattern in the female Thibetan monkeys (Macaca thibetana)THE STUDY OF SEASONAL HOME RANGE OF THIBETAN MONKEY'S YULINKENG TROOP IN HUANGSHAN MOUNTAINA COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE MALE SEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN THIBETAN AND JAPANESE MONKEYSThe taxonomy and phylogeny of Hordeum L. Sect. Cerealia Ands. with special reference to Thibetan barleys.Discussion of Materials for Mathematics Teaching for the Schools for Nationalities of Thibetan in Gan,Qing and Chuan ProvinceSpermatogenesis, Serum Testosterone Levels and Immunolocalization of Steroidogenic Enzymes in the Wild Male Jaanese Blac...