学习《deputy head of the delegation》怎么用
Your Meeting with International Committee of the Red Cross Head of Delegation Urs Boegli and Deputy Head of Protection Paul Bonard, ...International Trade Issues: Current & Future. Presentation by B. Jacob, Deputy Head, Delegation of the European Commission, Washingt...What the Chinese Government Asserts——Speech by Peng Peiyun, Deputy Head of the Chinese Government Delegation and State Councilor, ...1 April 2014 - President of the Parliament of the Principality of Liechtenstein A. Frick and his delegation visiting the LHC tunnel ...Press Briefing of the U.S. DelegationThe challenge of SDGs for France: what has to be changed to reach the goals? Presentation of IDDRI's report on the capacity of Franc...Japan-EU relations after EU enlargementShaping a Common Vision of Security between Russia and the United StatesChallenges facing deputy headteachers in the performance of their administrative roles in public secondary schools in Bungoma North ...The Scottish Parliament takes part in Scotland Week 2015