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    Moczydlowski, E. & Latorre, R. Gating kinetics of Ca2+-activated K+ channels from rat muscle incorporated into planar lipid bilayers...
    Purified skeletal muscle 1,4-dihydropyridine receptor forms phosphorylation-dependent oligomeric calcium channels in planar bilayers.
    In the Matter of the Review of the Designation of al-Qa'ida in the Islamic Maghreb (a.k.a. AQIM, a.k.a. Tanzim al-Qa'ida fi Bilad al...
    Intrinsic signal changes accompanying sensory stimulation: functional brain mapping with magnetic resonance imaging
    PedCheck: A Program for Identification of Genotype Incompatibilities in Linkage Analysis
    Functional brain mapping by blood oxygenation level-dependent contrast magnetic resonance imaging. A comparison of signal characteri...
    Dynamic Mapping of the Human Visual Cortex by High-Speed Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    How do consumers search for and appraise health information on the world wide web? Qualitative study using focus groups, usability t...
    Quality of life: a valid and reliable measure of therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Canadian Crohn...
    Obscenity and Indecency on the Usenet: The Legal And Political Future of Alt.Sex.Stories