



  • v.

    想( think的第三人称单数 );思索;以为;认为

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 想,思索 use the mind to form opinions
    2. vt. & vi. 以为,认为 consider; be of the opinion
    3. vt. 料想,想象; 预料到 form an idea of; imagine; expect



    • instance of deliberate thinking

      "I need to give it a good think"

    • v.
      • judge or regard; look upon; judge

        "I think he is very smart"; "I think that he is her boyfriend"


      • expect, believe, or suppose

        "he didn't think to find her in the kitchen"


      • use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments

        "I've been thinking all day and getting nowhere"


      • recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection

        "I can't think what her last name was"

        同义词:rememberretrieverecallcall backcall uprecollect

      • imagine or visualize

        "Just think--you could be rich one day!"

      • focus one's attention on a certain state

        "think thin"

      • have in mind as a purpose

        "She didn't think to harm me"


      • decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting

        "Can you think what to do next?"

      • ponder; reflect on, or reason about
      • dispose the mind in a certain way

        "Do you really think so?"

      • have or formulate in the mind

        "think good thoughts"

      • be capable of conscious thought

        "Man is the only creature that thinks"

      • bring into a given condition by mental preoccupation



    用作动词 (v.)
    • think happy thought想高兴的事
    • think strange thought想法奇怪
    • think fit认为…是合适的
    • think good认为…是好的
    • think right认为…是对的
    • think again重新考虑
    • think ahead考虑得长远
    • think aloud自言自语
    • think hard苦思
    • think twice仔细考虑
    • think abstractly抽象思考
    • think accurately准确地考虑
    • think anxiously焦急地思考
    • think calmly沉着地思考
    • think candidly公正地认为
    • think carefully仔细地考虑
    • think clearly清楚地思考
    • think connectedly联想
    • think creatively创造性地想象
    • think cunningly狡猾地认为
    • think deeply深思
    • think deliberately深思熟虑
    • think desolately绝望地认为
    • think dismally思绪忧郁
    • think diversely思绪万千
    • think fairly公正地考虑
    • think fondly天真地认为
    • think grievously痛苦地想象
    • think grimly残忍地想象
    • think habitually惯性地想象
    • think highly非常尊重
    • think idly胡思乱想
    • think incessantly不停地思考
    • think incisively深思
    • think independently独立思考
    • think instinctively出于本能地想象
    • think justly公正地考虑
    • think logically合乎逻辑地思考
    • think particularly特别想到
    • think seriously严肃地思考
    • think back回想
    • think on记住
    • think out想出
    • think over仔细考虑
    • think through经过考虑后得出结论
    • think up想出
    • think about考虑…
    • think of想起…
    • think to持有…的想法


    think something of oneself 自命不凡,自以为了不起[亦作 think oneself something]

    think of记起,想起;考虑;想像;关心

    do you think你认为

    think about考虑

    think to oneself盘算;自思自忖

    what do you think你认为呢;你觉得如何

    think so如此想法

    think for oneself独立思考

    think twice再三考虑;重新考虑

    let me think让我想一想

    just think试想;只想想看

    think over仔细考虑;重新考虑

    think for认为,预料

    think big n. 野心勃勃,好高鹜远

    think it over仔细考虑一下;好好想想

    think oneself as自认为是

    think highly of高度评价,尊重

    think back回想

    think on v. 考虑;思量

    think up想出;发明;虚构



    1. I think you are very brave.
    2. Women used to think they were on the shelf at 30.
    3. If you want to make money you've got to think money.
    4. He was trying to think what to do.
    5. I always think about her when it snows.
    6. He was almost too sleepy to think any more.
    7. I was just thinking what a long way it is.
    1. I will have a think and let you know tomorrow.


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