



  • n.

    描述( description的名词复数 );形容;种类;类型

  • 英英释义


    • n.
      • a statement that represents something in words

        同义词:verbal description

      • the act of describing something
      • sort or variety

        "every description of book was there"



    detailed description详细描述;详细说明

    job description工作说明

    brief description简要说明;简介

    general description一般说明,总则

    product description产品描述;产品说明;产品介绍

    physical description物理描述;外形著录

    formal description形式描述

    full description完整叙述,充分的描述

    beyond description无法形容,难以形容

    vivid description生动的描述;生动的报导

    complete description完整的叙述,圆满的描述

    problem description问题描述,问题说明

    short description简短说明;简要说明;短注释

    functional description[计]功能性说明

    technical description技术说明

    give a description of描写,描述;对…进行描述

    item description项目描述

    description of goods货物摘要;货物名称



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    Attributive Concept Descriptions with Complements.
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    The ICD-10 classification of Mental and behavioural disorders:clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines
    Classification of chronic pain. Descriptions of chronic pain syndromes and definitions of pain terms. Prepared by the International ...
    A new genus of the order Actinomycetales, Couchioplanes gen. nov., with descriptions of Couchioplanes caeruleus (Horan and Brodsky 1...
    Pain terms, a current list with definitions and notes on usage. Classification of chronic pain. Descriptions of chronic pain syndrom...