英 [skwə'məʊsl]
美 [skwə'moʊsəl]
squamosalSquamosal.Dentary-Squamosal Joint and the Origin of MammalsThe functional significance of the squamosal suture in Australopithecus boiseiFine structure of synovial lining cells in the squamosal-mandibular joint of the ratOn the Foramina Perforating the Posterior Part of the Squamosal Bone of the MammaliaAutomatic classification of squamosal abnormality in micro-CT images for the evaluation of rabbit fetal skull defects using active s...An in vivo strain gauge analysis of squamosal-dentary joint reaction force during mastication and incision in Macaca mulatta and Mac...The Chaňares (Argentina) triassic reptile fauna. 6, A chiniquodontid cynodont with an incipient squamosal-dentary jaw articulationThe Chañares (Argentina) Triassic reptile fauna. VI. A chiniquodontid cynodont with an incipient squamosal-dentary jaw articulation