- n. (Fehling)人名;(德)费林
Fehling Agent费林试剂
Fehling solution费林溶液
Lawrence Fehling标签
Alexander Fehling亚历山大·斐林
fehling regent菲林试剂
Fehling reagents斐林试剂
fehling titration斐林氏测定法
Fehling test 费林试验 ; 斐林试验 ; 费林实验 ; 林试验
Fehling reagent 费林试剂 ; 斐林试剂 ; 菲林试剂
The extension wasdesignedtocomplementthe original building (Architects: Fehling+Gogel).
Thehydrolysablepoly saccharidescanbedetermined with the Fehlingreagenttitrationor with 3,5 dinitrosalicylicacidreagent colorimetry.
Thecontentofreducing sugar in saccharficationprocesseswas determinedwithreducingsugaranalyzerand the conventional approachofFehlingreagent.
Determination of reducing sugars by means of Fehling's solution with methylene blue as internal indicator
Resonance scattering detection of trace microalbumin using immunonanogold probe as the catalyst of Fehling reagent-glucose reaction
Review of the secondary injury theory of acute spinal cord trauma with emphasis on vascular mechanisms.
Design of an exergaming station for children with cerebral palsy
Methylprednisolone or tirilazad mesylate administration after acute spinal cord injury: 1-year follow up. Results of the third Natio...
Epidemiology, demographics, and pathophysiology of acute spinal cord injury.
Development of definitive endoderm from embryonic stem cells in culture
Crucial role of the pre-T-cell receptor |[alpha]| gene in development of apbut not |[gamma]||[delta]| T cells
Intestinal lamina propria dendritic cell subsets have different origin and functions.
Self-Assembling Nanofibers Inhibit Glial Scar Formation and Promote Axon Elongation after Spinal Cord Injury
Resonance scattering detection of trace microalbumin using immunonanogold probe as the catalyst of Fehling reagent-glucose reaction
Review of the secondary injury theory of acute spinal cord trauma with emphasis on vascular mechanisms.
Design of an exergaming station for children with cerebral palsy
Methylprednisolone or tirilazad mesylate administration after acute spinal cord injury: 1-year follow up. Results of the third Natio...
Epidemiology, demographics, and pathophysiology of acute spinal cord injury.
Development of definitive endoderm from embryonic stem cells in culture
Crucial role of the pre-T-cell receptor |[alpha]| gene in development of apbut not |[gamma]||[delta]| T cells
Intestinal lamina propria dendritic cell subsets have different origin and functions.
Self-Assembling Nanofibers Inhibit Glial Scar Formation and Promote Axon Elongation after Spinal Cord Injury