throw away

《throw away》怎以读

英 [θrəu əˈwei]
美 [θro əˈwe]

《throw away》是什么意思

  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    throw away [ 'θrəuə,wei ]

    • n.
      • a homeless boy who has been abandoned and roams the streets

        同义词:street arabgaminthrowaway

      • an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution


      • words spoken in a casual way with conscious under-emphasis


    • v.
      • throw or cast away

        同义词:discardflingtosstoss outtoss awaychuck outcast asidedisposethrow outcast outcast awayput away

      • get rid of

        同义词:shedcastcast offshake offthrowthrow offdrop

    • adj.
      • thrown away


      • intended to be thrown away after use


    学习《throw away》怎么用


    1. It is a waste to throw away good food.
    2. He had to toss those rotten apples away.
    3. Abandoned by her lover, Mary pined away.
    4. When he grew rich, Dirk cast away his old friends.


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