Melvina King标签
King Melvina名称
Melvina Tarr标签
Melvina Watson标签
Melvina Kestler标签
Watson Melvina名称
Broncehau Melvina名称
Kestler Melvina名称
Melvina Broncehau标签
Digital Systems Testing and Testable DesignParticipatory research maximises community and lay involvementNaming and outline of Dothideomycetes–2014 including proposals for the protection or suppression of generic namesHierarchical Self-Assembled Structures from POSS-Containing Block Copolymers Synthesized by Living Anionic PolymerizationPerpendicular Orientation of Domains in Cylinder-Forming Block Copolymer Thick Films by Controlled Interfacial InteractionsOne-Step Direct-Patterning Template Utilizing Self-Assembly of POSS-Containing Block CopolymersTowards a natural classification and backbone tree for SordariomycetesHierarchical Nanostructures of Organosilicate Nanosheets within Self-Organized Block Copolymer FilmsThe Influence of Leadership and Member Attitudes in Understanding the Nature of Union ParticipationPrevalence of sexually transmitted infections in pregnant urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in northern Australia