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MATCH FILM-SCRAP REFEED SYSTEM TO PROCESS NEEDSImage forming apparatus having a paper refeed trayWhy do NICU nurses not refeed gastric residuals prior to feeding by gavage?Time course of the starve-refeed response in rats; the possible role of insulin.Changes in hepatic RNA synthesis in the starve-refeed response of the rat.Comparison of the fructose effect and the starve-refeed response of rat liver enzymesExtracellular insulin degrading activity creates instability in a CHO-based batch-refeed continuous processAlterations in the enzyme activity and protein contents of protein disulfide isomerase in rat tissues during fasting and refeedingA subnecrogenic dose of diethylnitrosamine is able to initiate hepatocarcinogenesis in the rat when coupled with fasting/refeeding.Performance of the fat-tailed Barbarine sheep in its environment: adaptative capacity to alternation of underfeeding and refeeding p...