



  • n.

    参谋( staff的名词复数 );全体职员;(大、中、小学的)管理人员;权杖

  • v.

    雇用( staff的第三人称单数 );担任…的职员(或雇员);为…配备工作人员;给(职员)下发学习(或工作)指令(通常与 out 连用)

  • 双语释义

    1. [S] [C] 全体职员; 教职员 group of assistants working together in a business
    2. [P] 参谋,幕僚 chief of staff
    1. vt. 为…提供职员 supply with staff; provide the workers for


    staff[ stæfs ]

    • n.
      • personnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task

        "the hospital has an excellent nursing staff"; "the general relied on his staff to make routine decisions"

      • the body of teachers and administrators at a school

        "the dean addressed the letter to the entire staff of the university"


      • a strong rod or stick with a specialized utilitarian purpose

        "he walked with the help of a wooden staff"

      • building material consisting of plaster and hair; used to cover external surfaces of temporary structure (as at an exposition) or for decoration
      • a rod carried as a symbol
      • (music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written


    • v.
      • provide with staff

        "This position is not always staffed"

      • serve on the staff of

        "The two men staff the reception desk"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • staff a new school给新学校配备教职工
    • staff the office给办公室配备人员
    • staff this holiday resort为度假胜地配备雇员
    • staff finely人员配备齐全
    • staff sufficiently人员配备充足
    • staff tightly人员紧缺
    • staff by volunteers由志愿者充当工作人员
    • staff with sufficient numbers of trained personnel配备数量充足、训练有素的人员


    technical staff技术人员

    teaching staff教育工作者(总称)

    medical staff医务人员

    staff member职员

    professional staff专门人员

    sales staff销售人员

    nursing staff护理人员

    administrative staff管理人员;行政人员

    production staff生产人员

    office staff职员;办公室工作人员

    chief of staff参谋长;司令;办公室主任

    general staff n. 总参谋部

    staff management员工管理;教职员管理;[经]参谋管理

    senior staff高级职员;高级人员

    support staff支持人员;支援幕僚;后勤人员

    marketing staff市场专员;市场销售员

    staff development职员培训;人员发展

    maintenance staff维修人员

    workers and staff members职工

    managerial staff管理人员



    1. I find the hotel staff particularly courteous.


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    Relative importance of mothers' versus medical staffs' behavior in the prediction of infant immunization pain behavior
    Validity of the support team assessment schedule: do staffs' ratings reflect those made by patients or their families?
    Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS): precautions for clinical and laboratory staffs.
    “The Damping of Ocean Surface Waves by a Monomolecular Film Measured by Wave Staffs and Microwave Radars”