

英 ['θaɪrɪɔɪd]
美 ['θaɪrɪɔɪd]


  • n.


  • 学习《thyreoid》怎么用


    Lingual thyreoid gland in a cretin of 78 years
    Metastatic Tumours in the Thyreoid Gland
    The morphogenesis of the thyreoid gland in squalus acanthias
    Some features of the histogenesis of the thyreoid gland in the pig
    Histological changes in the thyreoid gland, testis and liver of cats treated with heparin
    Über einige Eigentümlichkeiten der Topographie der A. thyreoid. infer
    [Clinical and embryologic studies on the localization of thyreoid tumors]
    Expression and clinical significance of Beclin-1 and PTEN proteins in thyreoid carcinoma
    Suppressability of Thyroid Autonomy in Patients with Thyreoid Autonomy and Endogenous Suppression and Additional Exogenous Suppression
    Manifeste Hypothyreose mit führender Myopathie bei einer Patientin mit systemischem Lupus erythematodes und Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis