- adj.头戴王冕的,有王冕装饰的
Pengaruh Struktur Modal, Leverage, Likuiditas, Perputaran Total Aktiva, Perputaran Persediaan, dan Perputaran Piutang Terhadap Renta...The Herald: The Sundering, Book VIAnalyzing the English translation of the novel ‘Laskar Pelangi’ (The Rainbow Troops)RITUAL DAN TRADISI MASYARAKAT BALI DALAM KUMPULAN CERITA PENDEK PEREMPUAN YANG MENGAWINI KERIS KARYA WAYAN SUNARTA: SUATU PENDEKATAN...La tiara di Lady Diana che ispira il grattacieloPresented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language EducationAdvanced Materials Research QiR 12Method to improve electrical leakage performance and to minimize electromigration in semiconductor devicesSurface Approximation and Geometric PartitionsQuiropteros da regiao de Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil (Mammalia, Chiroptera)