英 [tɪbɪəʊ'tɑ:səs]
美 [ˌtɪbioʊ'tɑsəs]
- The tibiotarsus is the large bone between the femur and the tarsometatarsus in the leg of a bird. It is the fusion of the proximal part of the tarsus with the tibia.
Seasonal Variation of Femur and Tibiotarsus Constituents in Canada GeeseEicosanoic fatty acid reduction in the tibiotarsus of biotin-deficient chicksMetalloproteinases in regions of the embryonic chick tibiotarsus.Development of the tibiotarsus in the chick embryo: biosynthetic activities of histologically distinct regionsEFFECT OF X-RAYS ON THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE EMBRYONIC CHICK TIBIOTARSUS.Developmental acquisition of type X collagen in the embryonic chick tibiotarsusBone modeling during growth: dynamic strain equilibrium in the chick tibiotarsus.Mechanical properties of the tibiotarsus of broilers and poults loaded with artificial weight and fed various dietary protein levels.Structural changes in the large proteoglycan in differentiating chondrocytes from the chick embryo tibiotarsus.Properties of cultured chondrocytes obtained from histologically distinct zones of the chick embryo tibiotarsus