英 [bait ˈsaizd]
美 [baɪt saɪzd]
Bite-sizedBite-sizedBite-SizedBite-Sized Assessment for the Library One ShotLearning on Demand, at Your Own Pace, in Rapid Bite-Sized Chunks: The Future Shape of Management Development?Silsesquioxane dendrimers as catalysts: a bite-sized molecular dynamics study.Packaging to hold fastfoods and expose only bite-sized portions being eatenEating the elephant: Bite-sized steps to achieve long-term growth in your churchCRM for the small to medium enterprise - King-sized CRM on a bite-sized budgetBite-sized waffle making assembly and bite-sized waffle produced therebyPlay it Again: The Master Psychopharmacology Program as an Example of Interval Learning in Bite-Sized PortionsBite-sized Marketing: Realistic Solutions for the Overworked LibrarianInfonuggets: The Bite-Sized Future of Corporate Training?.