

英 [taɪ]
美 [taɪ]


  • n.


  • vt.


  • vi.


  • 变形



    1. vt. & vi. 捆,扎,拴,系 fasten with ropes or string
    2. vt. & vi. 使联系在一起; 使依附于 cause to be connected or dependent in some way
    3. vt. & vi. 与…不分胜负,得分相同 be equal to an opponent in a competition
    1. [C]领带,领结 a band of cloth worn round the neck inside a shirt collar and tied in a knot at the front
    2. [C]绳子,带子 a cord, string, etc., used for fastening sth
    3. [P]联系,关系 sth that unites; bond
    4. [C]束缚,羁绊,牵累 sth that takes one's attention and limit one's freedom
    5. [C]不分胜负 a game, election, etc., in which each competitor gains an exactly equal number of points, votes, etc.; draw
    6. [C]淘汰赛 sports between two or a group of competing teams or players


    tie[ tai ]

    • n.
      • neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn (mostly by men) under a collar and tied in knot at the front

        "he stood in front of the mirror tightening his necktie"; "he wore a vest and tie"


      • a social or business relationship

        "he was sorry he had to sever his ties with other members of the team"


      • the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided

        "their record was 3 wins, 6 losses and a tie"


      • a horizontal beam used to prevent two other structural members from spreading apart or separating

        "he nailed the rafters together with a tie beam"

        同义词:tie beam

      • a fastener that serves to join or connect


      • equality of score in a contest
      • (music) a slur over two notes of the same pitch; indicates that the note is to be sustained for their combined time value
      • one of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track

        "the British call a railroad tie a sleeper"

        同义词:railroad tiecrosstiesleeper

      • a cord (or string or ribbon or wire etc.) with which something is tied

        "he needed a tie for the packages"

    • v.
      • fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord

        "They tied their victim to the chair"


      • finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc.

        "The teams drew a tie"


      • limit or restrict to

        "I am tied to UNIX"; "These big jets are tied to large airports"

      • connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces

        同义词:connectlinklink up

      • form a knot or bow in

        "tie a necktie"

      • create social or emotional ties


      • perform a marriage ceremony


      • make by tying pieces together

        "The fishermen tied their flies"

      • unite musical notes by a tie



    用作动词 (v.)
    • tie a can to摆脱,去掉,消除
    • tie a fly装置蝇状钓钩
    • tie a knot打一个结
    • tie a wreath扎花圈
    • tie one's shoelaces系鞋带
    • tie one's tie打领带
    • tie one's competitions与竞争者不分胜负
    • tie sb's hands捆住(某人的)手脚
    • tie sb's tongue封住某人的口
    • tie strings扎线
    • tie the horse拴马
    • tie the visiting team与客队打成平局
    • tie the votes of one's opponent和竞争者得同样的投票
    • tie fast系紧
    • tie hard系紧
    • tie complicatedly复杂地捆扎
    • tie cunningly巧妙地打结,精巧结合
    • tie fantastically难以相信地约束
    • tie firmly扎牢
    • tie loosely扎松
    • tie securely扎紧
    • tie back向后扎
    • tie down捆住,拴紧
    • tie in(使)联系,(使)配合,(使)谐调
    • tie on a label系上标签
    • tie one's shoes up系鞋带
    • tie paint brushes up捆画笔
    • tie things up扎东西
    • tie at the back在背后打结
    • tie sth in a bow把某物打成蝴蝶结
    • tie in wedlock结为伉俪
    • tie into猛烈进攻…,抨击…
    • tie sth to the post拴在一根柱子上
    • tie sb to work工作缠身
    • tie with colored ribbons用彩带系扎
    • tie with one's competitor与对手赛成平局
    用作名词 (n.)
    • break tie打破平局
    • break one's ties断绝来往,断绝关系〔联系〕
    • buy a tie买领带
    • cement ties加强联系
    • choose a tie挑选领带
    • cut ties断绝关系
    • draw close ties with密切关系
    • fasten a tie打紧领带
    • have ties有联系
    • knot a tie打领带
    • loosen ties削弱关系
    • maintain close ties保持密切联系
    • strengthen the ties加强关系
    • take off a tie摘下领带
    • tie a tie打领带,打领结
    • undo a tie解开领带
    • weaken the ties削弱关系
    • wear a tie戴领带
    • all ties一切联系
    • beautiful tie漂亮的领带
    • black tie(男子)半正式礼服
    • close ties密切联系
    • conjugal tie夫妻关系
    • four-in-hand tie活结领带
    • handmade tie手工制作的领带
    • intimate ties密切的关系
    • legal ties法律约束
    • lifelong ties终生的联系
    • matrimonial ties婚姻关系
    • moral ties道德关系
    • new tie新领带
    • nice tie漂亮的领带
    • political ties政治上的结合
    • red tie红领带
    • scoreless tie无分平局,零比零
    • strong ties密切联系
    • white tie白色蝴蝶领结,燕尾服
    • woolen tie毛织带子
    • bow tie蝴蝶结领结
    • cross tie枕木
    • family ties家庭关系
    • language tie语言上的联系
    • marriage ties婚姻关系
    • old school tie校友戴的领带,同学情谊
    • railroad tie铁路枕木
    • trade ties贸易关系
    • tie bar系杆
    • tie beam系梁,水平拉杆
    • tie coat黏结层
    • tie line通信路线,转结线,扎结线
    • tie piece系紧梁
    • tie pin领结别针
    • tie plate垫板
    • tie rod系杆,转向横拉杆
    • tie silk领带绸
    • tie water结合水
    • in a tie戴领带,(结果)不分胜负,(结果打成)平局
    • ties between the two countries两国之间的关系
    • ties between the two families两个家族间的关系
    • ties of blood骨肉关系
    • ties of friendship友好关系
    • ties to other nations与其他国家的关系
    • ties with corporation与公司的联系
    • ties with the masses与群众的联系


    tie in使结合;使配合得当

    tie with在比赛中得分与…相同

    tie up占用;包扎;绑好;缚牢;阻碍;密切联系;合伙;停泊

    tie in with与...一致;配合

    tie rod横拉杆;前轮连接杆

    cup tie优胜杯决赛

    bow tie领结;蝶形领结

    tie bar n. [建]系杆;领带夹(等于tie clasp);[铁路]尖轨连接杆

    tie down束缚;约束;栓系

    black tie n. 黑色领结;男子之半正式礼服

    tie into大吃;猛击;遣责

    old school tie(英国公学的)母校领带;校友间的互助之情

    tie together配合;缚在一起

    cable tie尼龙扎带;束线带;绑线

    tie up with和...有密切关系

    tie rod end[机]球接头;转向横拉杆球铰接头

    tie clip领带夹

    tie line结线;串接线路

    tie off结扎;打结

    white tie n. 小白领结;全套男式晚礼服



    chain, tie, secure, bind, fasten








    1. He doesn't want any ties; that's why he never married.
    2. Pets can be a tie when you want to go away on holiday.
    3. The firm has ties with an American corporation.
    4. They want to loosen their ties with Britain.
    5. He took off his jacket and loosened his tie.
    6. He wore a pale blue shirt and a tie to match.
    7. There are ties for sealing plastic bags behind the door.
    8. Each team scored twice and the game ended in a tie.
    1. I was all thumbs this morning. I couldn't even tie my shoelaces.
    2. First hammer the tent pegsinto the ground, then tie the ropes onto them.
    3. Please tie the safety belt well because the airplane will be taken off.
    4. We must tie him down to the contract.
    5. I need a length of wire or string to tie it with.
    6. Does this sash tie in front or at the back?
    7. The girl tied the ends of the thread.


    The Strength of Weak Tie
    Tie Series Analysis, Forecasting, and Control
    The Strength of Weak Tie.pdf
    MRAM with cross-tie magnetization configuration
    Suture tie device system and method for suturing anatomical tissue proximate an opening
    The receptor tyrosine kinase TIE is required for integrity and survival of vascular endothelial cells.
    Enabling Longer and Cheaper Subsea Tie-Backs Utilizing Local Subsea Chemical Storage and Injection
    Consequence Analysis of an Urban Gas Pipe Network Leakage Based on Bow-tie and Hydraulic Calculation Model
    Vascularization of the mouse embryo: A study of flk‐1, tek, tie, and vascular endothelial growth factor expression during development
    Disrupted pulmonary vasculature and decreased vascular endothelial growth factor, Flt-1, and TIE-2 in human infants dying with bronc...
    下一篇:tie around