angle of view

《angle of view》怎以读

英 [ˈæŋɡl ɔv vju:]
美 [ˈæŋɡəl ʌv vju]

《angle of view》是什么意思

  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    angle of view

    • n.the angle included by a photographic lens

      同义词:view angle

    学习《angle of view》怎么用


    1. Different angles of view produce different effect.
    2. It was a Garmin with a 3D view of the 2D map.


    Angle of View
    Angle of view
    Liquid crystal display with improved angle of view and response times
    Intellectual Freedom and Library System——System Concerning Library Angle of View Research
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    Influence of Range, Angle of View, Image Resolution and Image Compression on Underwater Stereo-Video Measurements: High-Definition a...
    Research on Influencing Factors of Perceived Risk in Online Purchasing from the Consumers' Angle of View
    The Third-person effect Theory:a New Angle of View in Communication Effect Research
    Enlarging the angle of view in Michelson-interferometer-based shearography by embedding a 4f system
    The analysis of socialized problem of rear children from the angle of view of non-social action
    上一篇:angle of torsion
    下一篇:angle post