


  • abbr.

    matrix of environmental residuals for energy systems 能源系统环境残留矩阵;

  • 学习《Meres》怎么用


    Determination of phytoplankton crops by top‐down and bottom‐up mechanisms in a group of English lakes, the West Midland meres
    Nitrogen driven lakes: The Shropshire and Cheshire Meres?
    The Limnology of the Eutrophic Meres of the Shropshire-Cheshire plain
    Sporulation and the Development of Planktonic Blue-Green Algae in Two Salopian Meres
    ContribuiYoes para o conhecimento da fauna helmin-tologica brazileira. III. Sobre as especies brazileiras do genero Tetra-meres Crep...
    The Flow of Heterogeneous Fluids Through Porous Media
    Costameres: the Achilles' heel of Herculean muscle.
    A vinculin-containing cortical lattice in skeletal muscle: transverse lattice elements ("costameres") mark sites of attachment betwe...
    Somitomeres: mesodermal segments of vertebrate embryos
    Costameres, focal adhesions, and cardiomyocyte mechanotransduction.