bipolar junction transistor 双极结式晶体管;British journal of Tuberculosis ;homojunction bipolar transistor 同质结双极晶体管(代号);
VERTICAL BJT, MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOFA 2-V 2-GHz BJT variable frequency oscillatorA 2 V 2 GHz BJT variable-frequency oscillatorLocation of 1/f noise sources in BJT's and HBJT's—I. theoryA 38-GHz push-push oscillator based on 25-GHz f T BJT'sSET and RESET pulse characterization in BJT-selected phase-change memoriesSET and RESET pulse characterization in BJT-selected phase-change memories.Sensitivity evaluation of optical wireless PPM systems utilising PIN-BJT receiversComparison of switching and conducting performance of SiC-JFET and SiC-BJT with a state of the art IGBTPhysically based comparison of hot-carrier-induced and ionizing-radiation-induced degradation in BJT`s