《time clock》怎以读
英 [taim klɔk]
美 [taɪm klɑk]
《time clock》是什么意思
time clock
- n.clock used to record the hours that people work
学习《time clock》怎么用
Time clockTime clockTime clockSRC-3 coactivator functional lifetime is regulated by a phospho-dependent ubiquitin time clockThe TIME CLOCK® system: A new oral dosage form for fast and complete of drug after a predetermined lag timeAutomatic remote time clock and employee location deviceImplementing a distributed high-resolution real-time clock using the CAN-busSilicon Resonator Based 3.2 W Real Time Clock With 10 ppm Frequency AccuracyImplementing a Distributed High-Resolution Real-time Clock by the CAN-busThe effect of constant light and phase shifts on a learned time-place association in garden warblers (Sylvia borin): hourglass or ci...Silicon Resonator Based 3.2 $\mu$W Real Time Clock With $\pm$10 ppm Frequency AccuracyReal-time Clock Estimation for Precise Orbit Determination of LEO-SatellitesReal-time clock offset prediction with an improved model