英 [ri:'gri:t]
美 [ri'grit]
Behavioural Sciences - LearningEen publiek geheim voor de rechtbank. Paradoxen in de censuur op "majesteitsschennis"in een liberale constitutionele monarchie. Bel...Sign, a visual analysis of public signage in New ZealandTowards an integrated model for developing sustainable assessment skillsRandom RoundTHE WORLD'S EAGER TO GREET RE-CREATED GLOBEProtesters Say Celebration Ignores Natives' Mistreatment; Chants of 'No Honor, No Pride' Greet Re-Enactors of Menendez LandingSelection to Ensure Study Success: Looking for Multiple Criteria in the Case of a European Master of Science Program in BusinessThe two-factorial symptom structure of post-traumatic stress disorder: depression–avoidance and arousal–anxietyInteractive dialogues