filefish[ 'failfiʃ ]
- n.narrow flattened warm-water fishes with leathery skin and a long file-like dorsal spine
Filefishes (Monacanthidae) of the Western North AtlanticCytogenetical studies on fishes. I. Karyotypes of four filefishes.Species identification of filefishes (Monacanthidae) using DNA microarray in Korean marketplaceSponge feeding by Caribbean angelfishes, trunkfishes, and filefishesCOMPARATIVE STUDIES OF THE SCALES OF FILEFISHES (PISCES: TETRAODONTIFORMES, ALUTERIDAE) BY SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPEPhylogenetic relationships and the evolution of BMP4 in triggerfishes and filefishes (Balistoidea) ☆Embryonic and Pre-larval Development and Otolith Increments in Two Filefishes, Rudarius ercodes and Paramonacanthus japonicus(Monaca...A new multi-locus timescale reveals the evolutionary basis of diversity patterns in triggerfishes and filefishes (Balistidae, Monaca...A new species of parasitic copepod of the genus Hatschekia Poche, 1902 (Siphonostomatoida: Hatschekiidae) from filefishes (Pisces: T...Parasitic copepods of the family Taeniacanthidae (Crustacea) from triggerfishes (Teleostei, Balistidae) and filefishes (Teleostei, M...