Characterization of trypanosomasis resistance qtl, tirl, in the mouseOPPORTUNITIES IN SUGARCANE AGRONOMY TO CONFRONT TIrl[ENEW REALITIES EMERGING IN THE 21STCENTURY: A REVIEW OF THE 2003 AGRONOMY WORKS...Arabidopsis NACl transduces auxin signal downstream of TIRl to promote lateral root developmentTIRl终于被确证为生长素受体Ti årlige ture i skoven er typisk: lidt færre skovbesøg pr. år i 2008 undersøgelseINTEGRACIÓN Y PUESTA EN MARCHA DE UN CONTROLADOR NUMÉRICO EN UN SISTEMA DE POSICIONAMIENTO DE ALTA PRECISIÓNOpenTor: Anonymity as a Commodity ServiceComputer-Based Assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease Employing fMRI and/or EEG: A Comprehensive ReviewEntrainment reveals the photoreceptor gene cryptochrome as a clock gene in Neurospora crassaOptimal design of a bifurcated refractive coupler for the HEDlight program