Dietetically balanced milk productDietetically sweetened food products and method of preparing the sameDietetically provoked general and alveolar osteopenia in rats and its prevention or cure by calcium and fluorideIdentification of Dietetically Absorbed Rapeseed (Brassica campestrisL.) Bee Pollen MicroRNAs in Serum of Mice:Effective detection and quantification of dietetically absorbed plant microRNAs in human plasmaBody contouring surgery following bariatric surgery and dietetically induced massive weight reduction: a risk analysis.Comparison of the protein quality of dietetically treated phenylketonuria patients with the recommendations of the WHO Expert Consul...Selenium intake of infants and young children, healthy children and dietetically treated patients with phenylketonuria.Rubidium-A possible essential trace element : 1. The rubidium content of whole blood of healthy and dietetically treated children.Changes caused by genotype and environmental conditions in beta-glucan content of spring barley for dietetically beneficial human nu...