- Titans is a Canadian docudrama series produced for the 1981/82 season by CBC and Citytv (Titans Television Limited). The premise features staged interviews involving Patrick Watson and an actor who portrays a historical figure, conceptually similar to Watson's earlier series, Witness to Yesterday.
Tech Titans Building BoomTech Titans Building BoomOil Titans:National Oil Companies in the Middle EastModel of Titans ionosphere with detailed hydrocarbon ion chemistryBattle of the titans: Charcot and Brown-Sequard on cerebral localization"The Last of the Dinosaur Titans: A New Sauropod from Madagascar."Antibody vs. HIV in a Clash of Evolutionary TitansA two-dimensional multifluid MHD model of Titans plasma environmentFree for all : How Linux and the free software movement undercut the high-tech titansComparison of biochemical effects of statins and fish oil in brain: the battle of the titans.