Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦;
Sørensen TJ. A method of establishing groups of equal amplitude in plant sociology based on similarity of species and its applicati...The clinical impact of Hangeshashinto (TJ-14) in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis in gastric cancer and colorect...CLUSTAL W: improving the sensitivity of ...The CLUSTAL_X windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence alignment aided by quality analysis tools.Detection of dsRNA-binding domains in RNA helicase A and Drosophila maleless: implications for monomeric RNA helicases.Evidence for a protein domain superfamily shared by the cyclins, TFIIB and RB/p107.Rapid colorimetic assay for cellular growth and survival: Application to proliferation and cytotoxicity assaysEstablishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey.38 – AMPLIFICATION AND DIRECT SEQUENCING OF FUNGAL RIBOSOMAL RNA GENES FOR PHYLOGENETICSAmplification and Direct Sequencing of Fungal Ribosomal RNA Genes for Phylogenetics