Three Letter Acronyms 三个字母的缩写(如WWW等);
Dissociation Energy of the TlAs MoleculeTeaching & Learning Activities (TLAs)Átlas ornitogeográfico de la provincia de Formosa, República ArgentinaA TLAS OF U NION C HAPEL M INE V ERTEBRATE T RACKWAYS AND S WIMMING T RACESTQM, BPR, JIT, BSCs and TLAs: managerial waves or drownings?Development of MIR TLAS System with Applications to Reacting Hot Gas FlowsT HE C AROLINA H ERP A TLAS : A N O NLINE , C ITIZEN - SCIENCE A PPROACH TO D OCUMENT A MPHIBIAN AND R EPTILE基于可调谐激光吸收光谱技术(TLAS)的内燃机排放组分浓度测试技术研究The development and application of Taiwan Typhoon Loss Assessment System (TLAS)Ferrostalderite, CuFe (sub 2) TlAs (sub 2) S (sub 6) , a new mineral from Lengenbach, Switzerland; occurrence, crystal structure, an...