- n.in former classifications a division of class Amphibia comprising all pre-Jurassic and some later extinct large salamandriform amphibia
同义词:order Stegocephalia
Stegocephalia of Senekal, O.F.S.Progressive Chondrification in the StegocephaliaThe Influence of Geological and Climatological Factors on the Distribution of Non-Marine Fossil Reptiles and StegocephaliaHeptasaurus cappelensis (WEPFER) ,Stegocephalia, aus dem Oberen Buntsandstein (Trias) des Schwarzwaldes(SW-Deutschland)46. Notes on Stegocephalia and Amphibia.A new genus of Stegocephalia from the Triassic of Arizona. American Museum novitates ; no. 640Eine Schädelasymmetrie bei Cyclotosaurus Fraas (Amphibia, Stegocephalia) aus dem Stubensandstein (Trias) von Württemberg (SW-Deuts...Book Review:A Census of the Determinable Genera of the Stegocephalia. Transactions of The American Philosophical Society. Held at Ph...A Census of the Determinable Genera of the Stegocephalia. By E. C. Case. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Philade...A Census of the Determinable Genera of the Stegocephalia. Transactions of The American Philosophical Society. Held at Philadelphia f...