角( cornu的名词复数 );
Reciprocal activity of the cornua and cervix uteri of the goatCryocoagulation of the endometrium at the uterine cornuaAge-dependent morphology and ultrastructure of the cornua glands in drones of Apis melliferaAn instrument for transcervical treatment of the oviducts and uterine cornuaClinic value of hypophysin injection into both cornua uteri and mesosalpinx during laparoscopic salpingotomy for tube pregnancyComparison of microsurgical suture and CO2 laser-welded anastomoses of rabbit uterine cornuaInduction of malignant tumors by methylcholanthrene in transplanted uterine cornua and cervices of miceUnusual variation of the hyoid bone: bilateral absence of lesser cornua and abnormal bone attachment to the corpus.[Keratosis palmoplantaris maculosa seu papulosa (Davies-Colley) simulating multiple cornua cutanea]New insights into skeletal morphology of the oldest known silicoflagellates: Variramus , Cornua and Gleserocha gen. nov.