- BNN or Bart's Neverending Network (formerly Barts News Network, as a pun on CNN) is a Dutch public broadcasting association supported by the Netherlands Public Broadcasting. BNN was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff, Gerard Timmer & Frank Timmer, and targets teenage and young adult audiences.
Theory of Glial cells &Neurons emulating Biological Neural Networks (BNN) for Natural Intelligence (NI) operated effortlessly at a M...PENERAPAN ETIKA APARATUR SIPIL NEGARA DALAM MEWUJUDKAN DISIPLIN KERJA PADA BADAN NARKOTIKA NASIONAL (BNN) KOTA KENDARIEFEKTIFITAS HIPNOTERAPI KLINIS UNTUK MENGATASI DEPRESI PADA PECANDU NARKOBA DI UPT T&R BNNNumerical Data for Some Commonly Used Solid State Reaction EquationsSolitons:nonlinear pulses and beamsChemInform Abstract: NUCLEAR OVERHAUSER EFFECTS AND CIRCULAR DICHROISM AS PROBES OF β-TURN CONFORMATIONS IN ACYCLIC AND CYCLIC PEPT...Dynamics of the fractional oscillatorMechanisms regulating oocyte recruitment and skipped spawning in Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua)Conformational energy calculations and proton nuclear Overhauser enhancements reveal a unique conformation for blood group A oligosa...Small bowel transplantation in children: an immunohistochemical study of intestinal grafts.