

英 [kɔ:'vet]
美 [kɔ'vet]


  • n.


  • 学习《corvet》怎么用


    CORVET and HOPS tethering complexes - coordinators of endosome and lysosome fusion
    The CORVET complex promotes tethering and fusion of Rab5/Vps21-positive membranes
    Mammalian CORVET Is Required for Fusion and Conversion of Distinct Early Endosome Subpopulations
    Tethering complexes in the endocytic pathway: CORVET and HOPS.
    The CORVET subunit Vps8 cooperates with the Rab5 homolog Vps21 to induce clustering of late endosomal compartments
    The CORVET tethering complex interacts with the yeast Rab5 homolog Vps21 and is involved in endo-lysosomal biogenesis
    Functional separation of endosomal fusion factors and the corvet tethering complex in endosome biogenesis
    The Vps39-like TRAP1 is an effector of Rab5 and likely the missing Vps3 subunit of human CORVET
    The N-terminal domains of Vps3 and Vps8 are critical for localization and function of the CORVET tethering complex on endosomes.
    Functional Separation of Endosomal Fusion Factors and the Class C Core Vacuole/Endosome Tethering (CORVET) Complex in Endosome Bioge...